Zooming on your digital camera involves getting a closer view of far-away subjects. Optical zoom gets up close and personal by using an actual lens adjustment and digital zoom adjusts the image in
the camera itself.
Resolution - Images are made up of pixels. A pixel is a tiny point in an mage. a megapixel is one million pixels. Generally, the more pixels, the more detailed the image so the more the image can be enlarged. The more pixels in an image, the larger the file size.

Metadata - some cameras have a GPS receiver so that the Geographical coordinates can be stored in the metadata. Users can use the coordinates to see on Google Maps and Google Earth exactly where the image was taken. The small text file stored with each image giving it's details.

GPS tagging - is attaching a small transmitter to either a person or object, which sends a signal to the GPS satellite network, enabling it to be traced.

Wi-Fi - Users can now e-mail their images or upload them to online albums and social networking sites without the need to download the images to a computer first.

Exam Questions:
"Ciara wants to buy a new camera to photograph wildlife. She is considering a camera with a digital zoom and one with an optical zoom.
Explain why a digital zoom would not be suitable."
A digital zoom just enlarges part of the image which can become blurred.

"some digital cameras now have wi-fi connectivity.
State One potential use o Wi-Fi connectivity on a digital camera."
Upload images to online albums and social networking sites without the need to download the images to a computer first.

Convergence is where degital devices take on functionsnormally found in other devices. GOS  and sat nav functions are now offered on a variety of devices:
smartphones and media players now have gps


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    November 2013

